
How Long Does Bronchitis Last in Acute and Chronic Cases?

how long does bronchitis last

A person is said to be suffering from bronchitis when the airways leading to his/her lungs get inflamed. This leads to the swelling of the trachea and bronchi, along with the accumulation of mucus. Here, we will see how long does bronchitis last in the case of both acute and chronic. Most cases of bronchitis are caused by viral agents. 

But, there can be other causative agents too. The disease can be caused by any agents that irritate the trachea and bronchi. These include bacteria, such as Chlamydia pneumonia, Mycoplasma pneumonia, and Bordetella pertussis. Smoking cigarettes, using cannabis, and exposing oneself to pollution can also lead to bronchitis. 

What is Bronchitis?

What is Bronchitis?

Image credits: Daily Express

Before moving to the discussion of  how long does bronchitis last, let’s understand what this condition is. Several causative agents like viruses, bacteria, cigarette smoke, and pollution can irritate the airways that lead up to the lungs. This can induce the inflammation of the airways and they get filled with mucus. As a natural response, the body will try to get rid of this mucus, and the person will experience a nagging cough. Bronchitis can be of two types- Acute and Chronic.

1.  Acute Bronchitis

Acute is usually caused by a viral infection and is a temporary condition. It can also occur because of different allergens. Some cases of acute bronchitis are induced by other existing conditions, like the common cold. In the case of acute bronchitis, the patient will experience a persistent cough that usually goes away on its own within a short duration. Thus, it is quite manageable and the patients usually recover without taking any medications or treatments.

2. Chronic Bronchitis

When a person experiences coughing with mucus for almost all days of the month, then he/she is said to be suffering from chronic. This pattern is generally observed for about three months in a year. Chronic is actually a long-lasting type of COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. In chronic bronchitis, the patient experiences frequent bacterial infections in their lungs. As a result, continuous medical treatment is necessary. 

How long does bronchitis last in acute cases?

acute cases

Image credits: Magnolia Regional Health Center

The patients begin experiencing acute symptoms around 3-4 days after a flu or cold. During the initial phase of the disease, a dry cough is observed. After a few days, the cough might bring up mucus. In the majority of the patients, acute bronchitis will last for 2-3 weeks. But, the cough might stay a bit longer.  

Acute bronchitis caused by viruses will have an incubation period of 2 – 6 days. The patients become contagious before the onset of the symptoms. They will remain contagious until all the symptoms of the ailment go away. In this case, the lung health will get back to normal as soon as the patient recovers from the infection. 

Bronchitis duration in case of chronic cases 

How long does bronchitis last in chronic cases?

Image credits: Medical News Today

In the case of chronic, a completely different scenario is observed. According to healthcare professionals chronic bronchitis can last for at least 3 months. But, this duration will vary from one patient to another. After the initial recovery, the patient will experience repeated bouts. These can go on for 2 years or more depending upon the severity of the condition.

Chronic bronchitis is generally not contagious. Sometimes, the patients might suffer from both acute and chronic bronchitis at the same time. In that case, they might pass the disease to others. But, if the person is suffering from chronic bronchitis only, then the chances of spreading the illness is very minimal. 

Bronchitis Diagnosis


Image credits: Verywell Health

Doctors diagnose acute bronchitis by evaluating the symptoms of the patients, and conducting a physical examination. They will use a stethoscope to listen to the sounds coming from the lungs of the patients. These sounds will help the doctor to understand if a patient is breathing properly, or not. They will also be able to determine the presence, or absence of any congestion by listening to these sounds. The doctor might also carry out some tests to confirm the presence of a viral infection.

Diagnosing chronic bronchitis is a bit difficult and in this case additional tests are required. After checking the patient’s medical history and conducting a physical examination, the doctor will carry out a pulmonary function test. These include the spirometry test, where the functioning of the lungs will be examined. Sometimes, blood tests, sputum tests, and X-rays are also required to arrive at the correct diagnosis.  

Bronchitis Treatment

medicines for bronchitis

Image credits: GI-ACE

Now that we know bronchitis lasting duration, let’s go through the treatment of this condition. The medications used in the treatment of bronchitis help in alleviating the symptoms and manage the root cause of the illness. Some of the commonly prescribed medications include bronchodilators, cough suppressants, anti-inflammatory medicines, and antiviral medications. Patients with COPD will be given additional medications to combat the illness. If the doctor feels that a bacterial infection is the primary cause of bronchitis, then antibiotics will be prescribed. However, the antibiotics will not work if the root cause is a viral infection. 


Q1. How can we reduce the risk of bronchitis?

The risk can be reduced by avoiding smoke and other irritants, staying away from people who are ill, getting flu doses correctly, taking proper personal hygiene measures, and more.

Q2. What are the tests used for diagnosing?

To diagnose bronchitis, the healthcare providers might use tests, like chest X-rays, sputum test, blood test, nasal swab test, and pulmonary function test.

Q3. What are the common symptoms of bronchitis?

The common symptoms of bronchitis include low-grade fever, cough that produces sputum, runny, stuffy nose, chest congestion, wheezing or a whistling sound, and fatigue.

Q4. How to manage bronchitis symptoms?

In the case of acute, over-the-counter medications, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used for managing the symptoms. Along with that, proper rest must also be taken. In the case of chronic, your healthcare provider might prescribe additional medicines to manage the root cause of the illness and reduce bronchitis episodes. 

Q5.Can bronchitis become pneumonia?

Yes, if the bronchitis is not treated correctly, then the infection might travel to the lungs. This in turn results in pneumonia.


In this blog, we have discussed how long does bronchitis last in the case of both acute and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is usually a mild form of bronchitis that gets resolved within a few days. Patients suffering from heart problems, or asthma might take a bit longer to recover fully from acute bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, is a very serious problem that requires proper medical attention. Chronic bronchitis symptoms might stay for years, and it usually indicates an irreversible damage of the lungs. In this case, the healthcare provider will prescribe medications that will help in reducing bronchitis flare-ups.

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