
How to pack your home in less than 24 hours

How to pack your home in less than 24 hours

If you have ever moved, and all the chances are that you have already done this in the past, you know that packing is not an easy task to do. Especially if you don’t have all the time of the world to get it done. Many people stress out and even feel panicked in these situations. However, with a little bit of preparation, it can be done in much less time than you might think is possible. Of course, you will need some serious dedication to be able to pack your home in less than 24 hours, but it is manageable. Many people did it before you, and there’s no reason why you couldn’t. Here are our tips that will help you out.

Make a list of things to pack

If you have freshly overcome the fear of moving to the new city, you probably can hardly wait to start packing. But, before you start taking stuff out of the closets and making a mess, go through your home and write down all the big items that you plan to pack, as well as ones that you’ll leave behind. For instance, if you know that you won’t bring that giant leather couch with you, put it on your list of things for donation. On the other hand, you know that your vintage bookcase is going everywhere with you, so you’ll add that to the packing list.

When you’re trying to pack your house in less than 24 hours, it’s crucial to make a list of things that you are going to pack.

Start early and ask for help

It may come as a surprise to you, but our brain works best in the pre-dawn hours. Use that to your advantage. Plan out ahead and tackle the most difficult packing tasks in this period. Be sure to make breakfast the night before so you don’t lose any precious time.

Our professionals from Golans Moving and Storage state that you’ll have the best chances of success if you ask your friends and family for help. That, of course, is if you can’t afford to hire a packing professional which would be your best bet.

The important thing to remember here is not to take on too much by yourself. Not much time will pass until you’ll start feeling overwhelmed and tired.

Pack artwork and fragile items ahead

Before the final packing day arrives, try to find some time and pack all of your artwork, special fragile items or any other decorative things that you might have laying around. Here we mean, vases, picture frames, souvenirs, movie posters, etc. Pretty much anything that is there strictly or mainly for decoration. If these things are sensitive, renting a storage unit while moving might not be a bad idea.

The thing is that stuff like this demands a little bit more time and care to pack properly. We’re sure that you don’t want to end up with your favorite figurine broken, so take some time and pack this stuff ahead of time.


Go room by room

The key when packing is to focus on one area at the time instead of thinking about the whole house. The best tactic here is to pack room by room. And withing each room, you should go drawer by drawer, and shelf by shelf. This will enable you to think just about the things that are in front of you. Another benefit is that you’ll have boxes organized by rooms as soon as you finish packing them. Be sure to go with quality boxes for your relocation as you will need them to be durable for your speed packing.

The kitchen should be first

Be sure to start with your kitchen. This is important because the kitchen is by far the most complicated room to pack. Just think about it. There are big appliances, toaster ovens, all kinds of pots, and fragile dishware. So since your idea is to pack your home in less than 24 hours, and packing the kitchen is very time consuming, you should start with it.

It’s an even better idea to pre-pack your kitchen if it’s possible. This will give you more time to focus on other important things. However, if you go down this road be sure to leave out enough necessities for everyday life. Nothing more than a couple of plates and glasses, and of course, some spoons and forks.

Declutter as you pack your home in less than 24 hours

It’s always a good idea to declutter while you pack. The idea is to make two additional piles of belongings as you are packing. One will be a pile that is set for donating, and the other one should be for throwing away. Be honest with yourself here. If you didn’t use something in the last year, you probably don’t need it anymore. If it’s functional, there’s nothing wrong with donating. You’ll make someone less fortunate much happier and there’s no better reward. On the other hand, if it doesn’t serve any purpose and can not do that. It’s probably the best idea to throw it away. Make sure that it goes in the recycling bin. There’s no point in packing, transporting and unpacking something you don’t even need.


Get supplies on time

You simply have to gather all the supplies that you’ll need beforehand. Go out and buy boxes, protective wrap, packing paper, packing tape, trash bags, and markers. Keep all of these things together as you will need it pretty much at the same time. Seal and label the boxes as you pack them.

Now, we come to the trash bags. Them you can use for packing anything that is soft and pliable. Simply fill them with blankets, towels, and clothes. You don’t even have to take the clothes off the hangers. Encapsulate them with the bag and leave the hanger hooks sticking out. The reason for using trash bags when trying to pack your home in less than 24 hours instead of boxes is simple. They can hold more stuff and they can squish down if more space is needed in the back of the truck.

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