Data is the essence of any working organization or module. In today’s scenario companies are collecting and analyzing data like never before. Big data is basically how the data pattern is being learned and synchronized to collect and evaluate the information. Real-time access to the channels in the high-quality helps in having better business decisions and allows having an edge above the competitors. As a wide base of data is hidden inside the rotation in the form of both structured as well as unstructured information it enables to collect of the end customer insight with respect to the partner venture as well as the organizational behavior.
Some of the facts about big data usage show a change in the business exchange. As per the IDG 2014 big data research study the average money spends in the big data was average U.S dollar 7.4 million. On the other hand, the poor big data results in the poor quality of the data management leading to blowing off at least a 20 percent decrease in the organization revenue.
Let us see some of the interesting facts about the big data
- Poor data management system has blown the U.S economy with 3.1 trillion dollars in a year
As per the IBM study, it came forward that not adopting a big data system can cost huge to the economies of the strongest finances also. There almost 20 percent decrease in the GDP of the U.S due to inferior data management. This hopes for improving and expanding the data as an opportunity if tamed skillfully as possible.
- Thirty percent of the big data workload will be processed through the cloud.
This came forward in the research of SNS which shows that 30 percent of all big data workloads are going to be processed through the services as most of the enterprises prefer to avid the large scale infrastructure investment and security can be the issue with the employee or on the floor implementation and use of data services.
- 10 percent more investment in big data can increase the income of the first 100 fortune companies to double.
As we take account of 100 first fortune companies than just a 10 percent increment of the data assessability will result in more than sixty-five million additional net incomes of these companies. This shows how companies are becoming interested in the use of big data. This completely expresses that better data is the better return for sure.
- Facebook users are driving the data system
On average Facebook users spend an average of 31.2 million messages that float in the system and view 2.77 million videos every minute. With changing time the use of the internet has changed and companies should change their way of collecting the data. Facts about big data also show that mobile is replacing the desktop and convention action form of information. These platforms are the masters of big data.
Metadata management solutions help organizations understanding information harnessing and use of facebook as the platform for data generation.
- Big data can encourage the job generation to the economy
In 2012 Gartner also predicted that big data can add up to the 7 million jobs in the economy of the U.S alone. The study of Evan Data Corporation also shows that more and more jobs will be created in the global economy thanks to big data platforms. This is a large industry and the approximate flow of finance in the system is said to be U.S dollar 49 billion.
- In every 2 days, we create the information as much as we were doing in the whole year in 2003
It was estimated that 4 Exabytes of information was created from the starting of internet sharing till 2003 but now a similar amount of information is just 2 days. This is the statement given by the CEO of Google which shows that the total data of humans are hard to harness.
- Google is processing more than 40,000 search queries
In 1998 when Google was formed, per day processing of the queries was only ten thousand. But if we see the amount of data being processed now, the statistics we can see that the growth of Google searches has been 17,000 percent per year.
As the nature of the business changes the role of big data has increased. It is affecting the bit and pieces of every industry in almost every form. This has moved beyond just a term in a few passing years and managing the data floating is directly proportional to the revenue generated in the business module. The use of this technology has made things more relatable, relevant along with the changing aspect of the business. This cannot be ignored if we want to secure the place in the challenging business system. Metadata management solutions are exactly doing this. This has been proved with time and now that adopting big data will accelerate your return.