
Tips to prepare the ground for sod and installation

best sod installation near me

Walking on the soil of your lawn is refreshing therapy in the morning and even in the night time. But to enjoy this, you need to have a proper lawn and it requires the installation of sod. Or you may require to install the sod in your new house. Find the Best Sod Installer in Mableton, GA. Have a low budget and cannot afford a professional? We recommend keeping the budget for it as you might not be able to pull it off with all the skills. Still, if you think you can perform the job on your own, we can give you some tips to prepare the ground and install the sod like a pro.

How to prepare the ground for sod?

Cleaning up is the first thing and the next steps are to make sure you are doing it right.  So, the following are some things that you must do before installing the sod.

· Get the soil tested

The test of the soil is important as you need to what can be added to prepare better soil for the sod and avoid any problem later.

· Clear off the debris

Before you get the results of tests, clear off any debris from it. Any branches or rocks can interfere with the growth of sod, so pick them up.

· Use herbicide to clear unwanted grass

Using the herbicide will help you n controlling the growth of weed or extra grass. Follow the instruction given according to the herbicide and clear any weed, etc.

· Flatten the soil

If the soli has any high spots, take the shovel or iron rake to balance it.

· Fill the dips

Dips can affect the outlook of the soil. So, fill them up immediately. It’s an easy task and you can do it yourself.

· Slope the soil away from a nearby building

It is the way to drain away from the water and avoid any water pooling around the buildings causing the problem to others. You can rent a grading tractor for this or hire a professional.

· Add fertilizer

Fertilizers are for the health of the sod and they need to mix in the soil before you lay down the sod. So, do it a few days before.

· Tile the soil

Tiling the soil will mix the fertilizer and topsoil perfectly. It will make it easy for the roots to attach the ground. You can rent a rototiller for this.

· Fine grade the soil

It is the process of smoothing the soil. Drag the heavy mat over it before it is smooth and fine for the sod.

· Water the soil

Water the soil to attach the roots properly. Keep in mind that roots won’t attach with the ground on dry soil.

· Lay down the sod

Finally, lay down the soil on your own or take help from a professional

Now it’s time for the fun part!

Your surface has been leveled and prepared, and it’s time to unroll your brand new lawn!

Start with the longest fixed edge or any edge in the landscape that can not be moved e.x. garden beds, house, sidewalk etc. Using scissors, clippers or a knife cut your edge in, laying the sod parallel to the longest fixed edge.

Final Thoughts

If you are not able to do it all by yourself, you can google the Sod Installation near Me and find the companies offering the best quality services and affordable prices.

Author bio:

Tom Dexter is a professional Gardner. She took it a hobby in the beginning but fell in love after doing it. So, she has many professional and top tips for making any gardening processes easy for her audience.


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