
How to add money to PayPal for free and how to keep the PayPal account secured?

how to add money to paypal

PayPal is a savior when it comes to sending money overseas. It is not that you cannot send or receive money from a native PayPal user. In general, we can say that PayPal is helpful to make payments online and receive accordingly. And for that today we will concentrate on how to add money to PayPal for free.

According to the second quarter of 2020, PayPal has 346 million active accounts across the globe. There are a lot of people who stay overseas or work with offshore clients. And when it comes to sending or receiving money, they used to face a lot of dilemmas. There are some banks with such overseas money transfer benefits. But the number of banks is very limited and those banks take a lot of time to transfer the money.

But thanks to PayPal that it has brought the ease that we all were in search of. In order to send money, your PayPal account should have some money. You can use your cards to send money via the PayPal platform. But it will take a bit more time.

How to add money to your PayPal account in 4 steps - Business Insider

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In order to make the payment fast, it will be better if you add money to your PayPal account. In this way, you can use it whenever you want. You can do online shopping easily and get exciting discounts also. In order to make all these things possible, you have to add money to your PayPal account. How?

Today, in this article, we are going to share how to add money to a PayPal account easily and within minutes. Below, we are going to share more than one way of adding money to the PayPal account.

So, without further ado let’s begin!

Way 1: How to add money to PayPal from bank account

We all have bank accounts as a primary money storing way. It is one of the traditional ways of storing money in a secure way. If you are not ready with cards or do not want to add a debit card to the Paypal account, you can follow this way.

Actually, there are a lot of people who do not prefer to use such cards and depend on bank transfer only. If you are one of them, this way will be the best choice for you. How can you make that possible? Let’s explore that below-

Steps you should follow for adding money to Paypal from bank account

  1. Open the PayPal application on your mobile device.
  2. Make sure that you have a PayPal cash account
  3. Hit the PayPal balance option and then add funds
  4. If you do not get the option you will get an alternative there.
  5. Now you have to ask someone to send you money and you can keep it in Paypal. In this way, without having a PayPal cash account, you will able to add money. After receiving the money, you will also get an option to activate the PayPal debit card option.
  6. Now, you have to add a bank account.
  7. Hit the gear icon
  8. Hit the bank and cards option
  9. Here you can see your bank account
  10. If you have not added any bank account, you can add that easily with the on-screen instruction. Within the next three business days, PayPal will make 2 small deposits in order to confirm the account linking.
  11. After this, you can return to the same banks and cards option and confirm the amount of the deposit. After the confirmation, you can easily add money to PayPal account from the bank account.
  12. Now you need to tap on your PayPal balance and then hit add money
  13. Tap the ‘add from your bank’ and name of the bank account
  14. Enter the amount and confirm
  15. Now tap on ‘add to your balance’

You will get the money in your bank account within 3-5 business days.

In this way, you can easily add money to your PayPal account from any of your bank accounts. There are a lot of ways when it comes to how to add money to PayPal without any hassle. The second popular way is adding money from a debit card.

Well, now let’s concentrate on the next way.

Way 2: How to add money to PayPal from debit card

Here, in the same way, you should have a PayPal cash or PayPal cash plus account. If you are yet to create a PayPal cash account, you should do it now. It will not only make the process easy but also save a lot of time.

It’s not necessary that you have to store some money in the Paypal account to get the benefits. You can link the card and get the same benefit. If you properly add the card details, PayPal will debit the amount you will spend on purchase next time using PayPal account.

Steps you should follow for adding money to Paypal from debit card

  1. You can open the app or go to the website and login with the correct user id and password. After the successful login, you will be able to go to your account option.
  2. In the next step, you need to hit the profile option. On the ‘my account page’, you will get the profile link. There you will get a ‘add or edit credit card option’. After hitting that option, you need to add the necessary information about your bank account details.
  3. You might say that this is about the debit card and here card is mention. You should not worry as this option works with both types of cards.
  4. In the third step, you need to fill the fields with the correct bank account details. The name of the bank account holder and the name of the PayPal account holder should match. If they do not match with each other, adding money to Paypal from debit card or credit card will not be possible.
  5. In the 4th step, you need to select your billing address or you can create a new one. After that, you need to hit the ‘add credit card’ button. The button is located at the bottom of the page.
  6. After that you will be taken to the add/edit credit card page along with a notice. The notice will confirm that you have successfully added the debit card.

These are the six easy steps that you need to follow when it comes to adding money to PayPal from a debit card. No matter you are using a credit card or a debit card the process and steps will be the same.

Apart from this, when it comes to how to add money to PayPal for free, you can use any of these two ways.

While adding the bank or card details, you should sit in a quiet place and complete the task. If you make mistakes over and over, your account can be suspended. And in order to re-active the account and make it functional like before, you have to put more effort.

If you are someone who is exploring how to add money to PayPal for free to do shopping, you should know some facts. We know that Paypal is way safer than other money transfer platforms available today. Yet it will be better if you take the necessary precautions.

Below, we are going to share some effective tips that can help you protect your PayPal account and money.

how to add money to paypal

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Safety tips for PayPal users

  1. We have seen that often cybersecurity experts suggest not linking bank account or debit card to the PayPal account. Some fraudulent activities have been noticed. And some people have lost solid amounts of money.
  2. But sometimes we need to link to do the payment or transfer money to clients and overseas friends and family members. In this situation, you can link, complete the task, and after that, you should remove the card or bank details.
  3. Experts suggest that instead of adding debit card details, you should link a credit card to your PayPal account. Now credit cards come with an extra layer of protection and you do not have to worry.
  4. You should stay aware of the spoof emails. It is true that PayPal sends email confirmation or other updates at your registered email address. But it will be better if you do not hit the link directly from the email. You can fo to your account via app or web and then you can check the update.
  5. Along with these, you should keep a close eye on your Paypal balance. In this way, you will able to know the PayPal charges easily. Keeping close eyes on the transactions is always important regardless of the platform.

We have said a lot of things about PayPal, how to add money to PayPal for free, and how to keep the account safe. Now, it is time to conclude. We cannot deny the ease that PayPal has brought for us. But as a user, we should always stay aware while using any money transaction platform online.

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