
How to prepare for IELTS?

Planning to study or work abroad? Heard about IELTS, but don’t know what that is? If you want to know the importance and value of IELTS and why exactly is it needed, keep reading to know more.

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System is the most popular test to check English language proficiency. It is accepted by various countries across the world like USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for the purpose of migration, study, and work. With so many people planning to go abroad every coming day, appearing for IELTS exam has become like the latest trend. It may be popular but it’s not easy, it requires proper understanding of the language and coverage of various other aspects to secure a good score, but you don’t have to shed a sweat about that because we have got you covered with a few tips on how to prepare for IELTS?

What does IELTS consist of?

You can’t really prepare for a test without knowing its contents. IELTS test has four sections; IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking. You can either appear for paper-based IELTS or on the computer, though the content, format and level of both the options are the same. You may choose between the options based on your convenience. You will also have to choose between the modules depending upon the purpose of you taking the test. There are two modules of IELTS, IELTS academic and IELTS general training. A well-trained counselor or trainer can guide you better in this context of making a choice. You may find such trainers at Best IELTS institute of Chandigarh, Western Overseas.

IELTS test requires a lot of practice of English, also consistency in learning. It is extremely difficult to get your hands on a good IELTS band score without consistent and focused learning. Actively appear for various mock tests and build up good comprehension of the key area of the test.

You can also follow this step-by-step guide on how to prepare for IELTS:

  1. Decide what module you want to appear for.

As discussed above there are basically two types of modules, Academic IELTS and IELTS general training. IELTS academic is the more popular one as it is required for people hoping to go to a foreign university or get a certain job at a foreign institution. General training is for such people who just want to migrate in a country with English as a primary or chosen language. Assess your requirements well before jumping to a decision.

  1. Understand the format of the test

IELTS test consists of the following parts;

Listening that has four sections with a total of forty questions. The time duration allotted is forty minutes.

Reading has three sections with a total of forty questions as well to be attempted in a given time of sixty minutes.

The speaking part consists of confrontation with an examiner that goes on for eleven to fourteen minutes. It is further segregated into three parts.

Lastly comes the writing. It consists of two parts to be covered in a total time of sixty minutes.

  1. Set achievable goals

Keep realistic expectations from yourself and don’t beat yourself up excessively to get a good score. It all depends on your aptitude, potential and your preparation, so go through the process with a calm self and you will surely achieve a good result.

  1. Polish your IELTS skills

There are so many different kinds of approaches and strategies that can be followed to score well in an IELTS test. You need to grasp as much as you can. With the help of an expert you can better understand the marking criteria and how each question is supposed to be answered.

  1. Improve your vocabulary

Immediately implement a plan to increase your vocabulary skills. A good vocabulary makes up for 25% of the total marks in speaking and writing. It is also greatly necessary in listening and reading. So, focus on your vocabulary as much as you can!

  1. Practice English as a religion

Now that you are improving your vocabulary it will overall impact your English speaking skills but also practice to better your English every day with the help of various ways. You can listen to podcasts and see documentaries that are both fun and helpful. You can also rehearse your speaking skills by recording it in a phone and listening to it later. Just remember you are your best critic, it is only you who can make you better. Try to become as fluent as you can in the language.

  1. Get your skills assessed

Lastly, get your skills assessed by an expert. An expert opinion is always better for your progress. You can also enroll yourself in a professional training course for IELTS available at the best IELTS institute in Chandigarh, Western Overseas.

So go ahead and crack the IELTS test like a boss!

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